Thanks to Jerry of Mountain View for starting our composting story telling. Jerry started composting this year, in 2010.
How do you fit composting into your busy day?: I keep a kitchen compost collector by the sink; when it’s nearly full I take it out to the composter just outside the patio doors.
What did you have to overcome to start composting, what kept you from starting sooner?: I need an attractive composting unit; the big black ball from CostCo fit the bill perfectly.
What problems have you had to overcome to maintain your compost?: Every now and then I pick up some cut grass from the gardener when I need to heat it up a bit.
Do different people in your household view the compost differently? If so, how?: I’m a single guy living alone.
What unexpected things or events occurred because of your compost?: Apparently it’s sexy to some women; I get lots of appreciations.
What’s a funny story about your compost?: Hardly a knee slapper, but I’m always tickled that the composting ball never seems to fill up. Everytime I go out, the pile seems less than last time.
What do you like best about composting?: Just knowing that I’m not contributing to the growing pile of stink in the Bay area.
What words of advice do you have for new composters?: Once you start, you’ll be surprised at the extra things you can accommodate. I have an office shredder; a good complement to kitchen waste.
Would you recommend composting to your friends and family? Why or why not?: Absolutely. The big black ball makes it easy to do without messy piles. I have a small backyard in my townhouse, but it fits in nicely.
For how long have you been composting?: Did it a lot back in 1970-1980, but not since then.
Do you have a compost bin or a worm bin or both?: Just a compost bin.
Please describe your compost and your experience composting.: Mostly kitchen waste and waste paper.
How does composting feel, sound, smell, look to you, your friends, your family?: There’s no smell unless you get really close; and then it just smells sweet.
How often to do you add kitchen scraps and other material to your compost bin/pile?: 2 or 3 times a week.
What do you put in your compost?: Kitchen waste, tea grounds, shredded paper.
What do you do with the product of your compost?: Just spread it on the ground and turn it in.
How much time per week to you spend maintaining your compost?: Maybe 10 minutes
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